
May 27, 2024

I am incredibly fortunate to have Kumar, the most amazing person in the world, to play the long-term game of life with. He is my bestie, co-founder, world travel buddy, source of laughter, Reels sender, supporter, mentor, student, and so much more - you name it.

Our story began in 2021 when we worked remotely in the same startup for over a year and realized that we both wanted to see each other in person somewhere somehow, not just speaking through our rectangular screens. So, one day, we spontaneously decided on Discord that we would fly to South Korea to live, and work there for over three months together. And just like that, we did.

We joined so many hackathons together. We built several side projects together. We traveled the world together. He even lived with my family in Thailand for months. Now he's my co-founder, and I am really grateful for it. He's one of the very few people I put unconditional trust into.

That's our story of how we met. Briefly.

Infinite stories ahead.